The "Southern Family Ties" series is set in the mid 1800's, an era where culture was facing a dramatically changing social and political landscape in the Deep South, a region in the southeastern United States. The series revolves around a single family and follows them throughout their daily lives as they seek the path to true love amidst ever-occurring trials, tests and tribulations. In particular, the series places an emphasis on progressive women and explores how their male counterparts help them realize their dreams.
Defying the restrictions of society, Emma Johnston plans to become a teacher and help broaden the lives of young women. Society, her father, and even her own heart betray her and leave her longing for a different life entirely.
After having run up considerable debt, Emma’s father needs her inheritance from her maternal grandfather and he has a plan that seems guaranteed to get it for him, until Roger Starnes steps in and rescues her.
Together, the headstrong heiress and her protector scheme to stop her father and allow her to live her life, on her terms.
For Edmund Johnston, moving West represented the opportunity to prove himself, to be able to make his own way in the world. For Callie Foster, it was a chance to wipe the slate clean, to start over and have a real chance at life.
As her employer, Edmund sees himself as her protector. When her past catches up to her, bringing with it an uncomfortable reminder of his own past, how far will Edmund go to keep her safe? Will he still defend her, when her past makes her out to be the kind of woman he despises? Or will she give him the Lessons he needs in trust, and love?